Have you ever had one of those days where you just want to collapse?
Where everything seems REALLY hard and REALLY big...
And you feel really weak and small?
Where everything inside of you is screaming to just give up?
And you would do anything to release the pressure?
Sometimes people think that once you "make it," it's all roses and puppy dogs, LOL.
But the truth is that no matter how successful any of us are, our lives are designed to give us all the challenges we need to grow.
Over the last 10 years, we've made millions of dollars and taught over 25,000 coaches and holistic practitioners how to get more clients. We've had hundreds of JV partners, team members, and vendors. And we also have two boys under 5.
LOTS of opportunities for breakdowns! LOL.
You better believe that there have been days where we just wanted to throw in the towel...
When giving in to our desire to collapse seemed like sweet freedom...
When every cell in our body CRAVED the release of all of the responsibility and pressure we felt.
In the early days of our business, when things became too intense, my (Jesse's) body would literally collapse. My neck would lock up. I wouldn't be able to move it for days.
It was terrifying.
But it was also freeing. When my neck locked up, I gave myself permission to take the pressure off. I didn't have to prove that I was "the man" anymore.
Yet I knew that there had to be another way to take the pressure off of myself.
So I attended a live event. The speaker led me through a powerful breakthrough exercise and gave me a new name: "Uncollapsable."
This new name gave me a new window into my Spirit. Since then, NOTHING has taken me out. And, it has felt SO good to know that I am Uncollapsable.
But lately, I have discovered a new problem. Our life has become SO good that I sometimes find myself terrified that I could F*#$ everything up and that we would lose everything. Our home, our cars, our team, our gourmet lifestyle. Gone.
Will Smith once told Oprah, in an interview that he is "just as financially nervous right now as he was 20 years ago."
He shared that he has a "poor person's mentality" that he is trying to shake.
I get it.
This last week has been especially challenging for us. I wanted to collapse. I wanted to not care. I wanted to say, "To HELL with everything."
Fortunately, I had an insight.
What if, instead of collapsing, I SURRENDERED my life to the Highest Good?
One of Sharla's spiritual mentors, Cheri Huber says, "Worry is not preparation."
So, instead of worrying, I breathed in the gratitude I have for the amazing life that Sharla and I have created.
And on my outbreath, I released our amazing life to the Highest Good.
Today, the challenges in our business are still here. But I feel bigger than the challenges. And I feel free.
I invite you to presence an area in your life where you feel a lot of pressure. (If you can't find one, it's time to play a BIGGER game!J)
Try this simple practice now.
Breathe in Gratitude. (For one thing that is amazing in your life.)
Breathe out Surrender. (Surrender this one amazing thing to the Highest Good.)
Breathe in gratitude. Breathe out surrender.
Do this 10 times.
How do you feel now?
PS. There is a real down-side to collapsing. If your life was a movie, would you want to step into the hero's shoes who had just collapsed?
Would you want to pick up the pieces and deal with the mess?
Luckily, there is another way. Breathe in gratitude. Breathe out Surrender.
Surrender is so sweet. And it allows you to be the man or woman you've
always known you could be.
We'd love to read your comments below.