...Are All Starving For This One Thing. As I sit here after placing the finishing touches on an outline for an upcoming Facebook Live, encouraging our son (who is practicing his newest gymnastic move on the floor near my desk), thanking our team for rocking it this week, and considering what’s ahead for the New Year… two other important things are also on my mind and heart. The state of our world. And the state of our industry. When my husband, Jesse, and I started this company, it … [Read More...]

What does jealousy really mean?
Have you ever felt jealousy because something awesome happened for a friend in their business? Sage and I hung out today and made this impromptu video to share a story about our jealousy toward each other...and what happened when we admitted it. Let us know what you think... Tell us what you think... … [Read More...]

The Question That Changed My Life…
Twelve years ago, I found my calling to be a Professional Coach. It was like coming home. I felt like my whole life was secretly designed to make me a world-class coach. The struggles with food, with alcohol, with my body… They led me to travel the country by Greyhound Bus, living in eleven different intentional communities. I tried every healing modality I could get my hands on. My commitment for healing was SO strong, I was able to dig my way out of the madness without medication … [Read More...]

The 3 Ways Clients Say Yes
When most Coaches and Holistic Practitioners think about creating a Marketing Plan, they get really uncomfortable, because they have NO idea where to begin. On today’s video, I reveal the 3 Ways Clients Say Yes to working with you. And when you decide which (or how many) of these ways you’ll get the Yes, it’s super easy to figure out how to get more clients. Watch the video, 3 Ways Clients Say Yes, now: No time to watch this short video? Read the transcript below: Hi. This is Sharla … [Read More...]

What To Say To New Clients When They Ask You What You Charge
If you’re like most coaches and holistic practitioners (and me when I started out!) you feel anxious talking about your rate with potential clients. You may “anticipate…” Trying to guess what they’ll think about your rate while you’re connecting with them, starting to waver. But guess what? That’s not the best way to get an aligned YES. There’s a simple way to stay in your value, overcome that sense of anxiety, and stay connected and present with your client during the conversation. … [Read More...]

Let Go Of A Client Who Drains You?
Yesterday, one of our Thrive Members posted in our private Facebook group about her decision to let go of a client who drained her. She wasn’t sure if she did the right thing. In my past, I have drained myself countless times in exchange for money (and it nearly killed me) so, I passionately answered her question... our members loved my response so much that they told me to turn it into a blog post. Here’s my answer to the question about should I release a client who drains me? It … [Read More...]

Why You Should Never “Close” Another Sale
If the story I’m about to tell you makes you even a little uncomfortable, I invite you to continue reading because eventually it has a happy ending... Imagine you’re at a used car lot and you feel a presence lurking. Yes, you need a car but you’re not really finding “your” car in this lot. Suddenly, here he comes sauntering towards you. You notice the way he looks at you, almost like a coyote ready to sink his teeth into the “sale.” As he approaches, you almost feel him breathing down … [Read More...]

YIKES! My Pants Split Open on Stage
A couple of years ago, we led our Client Attraction Summit. I (Jesse) had spent many hours the week before the event, praying for avalanches of abundance to flow to the entire Thrive Community. So when I stepped on stage on Friday morning, even though I had only gotten 4 hours of sleep, I was on fire. By Sunday morning, our attendees are literally glowing. It’s about 11:00am. The song Good Feeling by Flo Rida is blasting from the speakers and I am in my element, dancing solo on stage … [Read More...]

How to Go From Lost Client to Loyal Client
It was 2003, when I first started my coaching and acupuncture practice...before Jesse and I started Thrive Academy. I'm at a local networking event and I’m feeling pretty anxious about getting some new clients because the amount of money I was making wasn't even covering my bills. I start talking to a woman who asks me what I do. I tell her I’m a licensed acupuncturist and she starts “leaning in." (You know that feeling when someone seems genuinely interested?) Then she asks me, “How much do … [Read More...]

Providing Rock Star Service For Your Clients
We’re busy preparing for our biggest Client Attraction Summit ever! Even though we’ve led this event more than 70 times, we keep asking ourselves, “How can we make it an even better experience for our participants?” When you create an experience for your clients that is ultra-supportive and you over-deliver on what they expect from you, they are much more likely to feel like they’re getting a “deal,” no matter what you charge. In today’s … [Read More...]
Recent Blog Articles
- Our World, Our Industry, and Your Future Clients... November 13, 2017
- What does jealousy really mean? April 27, 2017
- The Question That Changed My Life… April 6, 2017
- The 3 Ways Clients Say Yes February 28, 2017
- What To Say To New Clients When They Ask You What You Charge February 22, 2017
- Let Go Of A Client Who Drains You? March 4, 2016
- Why You Should Never “Close” Another Sale September 22, 2015
- YIKES! My Pants Split Open on Stage September 16, 2015
- How to Go From Lost Client to Loyal Client September 9, 2015
- Providing Rock Star Service For Your Clients September 2, 2015
- “If You’re A Healer, You’re Not Supposed To Sell”: A Case Study with Tomasa Macapinlac August 19, 2015
- How to Raise Your Rates (And Feel Good About It) August 12, 2015
- How to Get Great Testimonials August 5, 2015
- When to put your business on hold? July 28, 2015
- 3 Secrets for Moving Forward Even When You Don’t Feel Ready... July 21, 2015