Is Your Niche Too Narrow? A Case Study with Allison Rapp
Many years ago, Allison Rapp signed up for a VIP Half-Day with us. It was one of the first VIP Days we had ever done and we were feeling anxious about whether we could deliver enough to and help her reach her goal of making $10,000 each month. One of our biggest concerns in being able to show her … [Continue Reading...]
Behind-the-Scenes Lessons from our BIG Launch
The past month has been amazing, insane and fulfilling all at the same time. Nearly 25,000 people opted in to see our video series and attend our webinars. And we welcomed in new clients from 19 different countries and 5 continents. We are so grateful! If you followed our launch, we … [Continue Reading...]
We’ve been on the brink of disaster...
Whew!! What a ride this last month has been. We are about to do our biggest online launch ever! We have 38 JV Partners who are going to be sending the people on their email lists over to learn some of our hottest tips on attracting clients. Together, these partners have a collective reach … [Continue Reading...]
The Question that Changes Everything
We’re busy getting ready to lead the Client Attraction Summit in San Francisco tomorrow. We are expecting a room full of amazing people who are flying in from all over the US, Canada and the UK to be here… And truthfully, our energy is pulled toward how to make this event life-changing, powerful … [Continue Reading...]
How to Create a Community of Leaders-Part I
In July, we flew to Sedona for Eben Pagan’s invitation-only event called MetaMind, with some of the biggest leaders in the fields of coaching, technology, and art. When Eben personally asked me (Jesse) to speak to this group of leaders about leadership, I was incredibly honored… and a bit … [Continue Reading...]
How To Package Your Services So You Can Give Yourself A Raise
Do you want to give yourself a raise? If you’re still only offering your services by the hour or session, you’re losing the opportunity to not only make more money, but also get better results for your clients. We’ve taught over 25,000 coaches and holistic practitioners how to attract clients. … [Continue Reading...]
How to Create Rockin' Live Events
People often ask us how we're able to produce 18 live events each year and have each one be so magical and alive. I (Sharla) answered this question on today's video. If you want to discover the two key factors that will make or break any live events you host (or participate in), you're going … [Continue Reading...]
Teleseminars that Get You Clients-Part III
In our last blog post, you discovered the three keys to simultaneously GIVE VALUE and have your participants set up to say YES to continuing to work with you, if it’s a good match. They are: Use the biggest building blocks of your offer as the key points in your teleseminar. Provide are … [Continue Reading...]
Teleseminars that Get You Clients-Part II
In our last blog post, you discovered how to pick a topic for your teleseminar that immediately grabs their attention and has them think, "That's for me!" Because if you don't have an engaging topic, they won't even register for your teleseminar. Now that you've got an engaging topic, you want to … [Continue Reading...]
Teleseminars That Get You Clients-Part I
A lot of Coaches and Holistic Practitioners have asked us, “How do I create a teleseminar that will get me clients?” This is a great question, because teleseminars can work wonders to fill your practice, programs and home study courses with amazing clients! Over the next few blog … [Continue Reading...]
Build Your List Fast, Part II
by Sharla Jacobs In last month’s article I shared with you 5 Steps to Build Your List FAST! However, I didn’t tell you how we went from a local list of 300 people to over 24,000 people within just a few years! I saved THAT story for today’s article... So how DO YOU add hundreds, or even … [Continue Reading...]
5 Steps to Build Your List...FAST
You've heard that growing your email list makes it easier to attract new clients. But most coaches, practitioners and entrepreneurs don't realize that there are simple ways to build your list that can be really fun and fast! We now have over 24,000 people on our email list. It's taken us nine … [Continue Reading...]