In our last blog post, you discovered how to pick a topic for your teleseminar that immediately grabs their attention and has them think, "That's for me!" Because if you don't have an engaging topic, they won't even register for your teleseminar.
Now that you've got an engaging topic, you want to make sure you simultaneously GIVE VALUE and have your participants set up to say YES to continuing to work with you, if it’s a good match.
So how do you do this?
There are three essential elements you must put in every teleseminar where the intention is to get you clients.
First, make sure you use the biggest building blocks of your offer as the key points in your teleseminar. One of our mentors used to call this "reverse engineering." You start with the offer in mind, and then work backwards from there.
Here's an example:
Let's say you are a weight loss coach who specializes in helping pre-menopausal women lose that last 10-20 pounds. And the work you do is around discovering the hidden blocks to weight loss, specifically, hormones and other biochemical imbalances that keep women from losing fat during this time of life when their hormones are fighting against fat loss.
Let's suppose that the offer you're going to make during your teleseminar is to work with you in a group program where you take clients through a series of lab tests to determine which hormonal imbalances are in the way.
The building blocks of your program could be the different hormonal imbalances that cause excess weight in pre-menopausal women. And you can talk about the five biggest hormone issues pre-menopausal women have that are keeping them stuck with that excess 10-20 pounds. You can explain, (in layman's terms, of course), the different imbalances and talk about how each one causes the problems it causes.
This gives you a really easy formula that leads right into offering your program.
The second thing you must provide are actionable tasks.
An actionable task is a piece of valuable how-to information that your participants can take action on right away in order to experience some relief from the pain they have been in. One of our mentors calls this a "results rush." When they can do something that gets them immediate results, they will trust you immensely.
Yet, when you don't give any actionable tasks during your free teleseminar, your participants won't trust you. And they won't get anything of value that shows them you can truly help them.
I'll take the example above a little further. Let's say that you know that thyroid imbalances are a major disruptor of fat loss. And let's say you use an alternative approach to thyroid imbalances that is pretty sophisticated, but there are some simple things someone can do at home to determine if their thyroid might be a problem.
You might explain that thyroid hormone lab test panels only give so much information. And that actual body temperature says a lot about their metabolism. You can invite them take their temperature three times during the day at set intervals and record the results. You can teach them how to do a mini self-diagnosis. And if they get negative results, give them one thing they can do to try to combat the problem with a supplement or food.
When you do this, you strengthen your role as a "trusted advisor" in their lives and they are much more likely to want to work with you further.
The third element is to give the right balance of information so your participants don't feel full with information overload, nor do they feel like they wasted their time.
When you give them too much information, they walk away feeling too full to take anything else in. And they aren't likely to say Yes. They also are unlikely to take action because they will feel overloaded.
If you give them too little information, they will feel like they just got sold to during the entire call and will not trust you to move further.
It's easy to find the balance by not teaching more than five keys during your talk (and three is even better). And then spending only 4-5 minutes on each key.
You must make sure to cover the basics for each key, which include why it's important and a little on how to move forward with this key. You may also include examples of how it works.
Now that you know how to simultaneously GIVE VALUE and have your participants set up to say YES to continuing to work with you, you'll be excited to read Part III in this series. In the next blog post, you'll discover our formula for crafting teleseminars that keep people engaged and lead them to say YES to your next step.
We would love to hear from you! Visit our Facebook Fan Page and share with us how you (plan to) use teleseminars to get more clients in 2014. We'll be sure to comment on your plan and successes!