The Question That Changed My Life…
Twelve years ago, I found my calling to be a Professional Coach. It was like coming home. I felt like my whole life was secretly designed to make me a world-class coach. The struggles with food, with alcohol, with my body… They led me to travel the country by Greyhound Bus, living in eleven … [Continue Reading...]

YIKES! My Pants Split Open on Stage
A couple of years ago, we led our Client Attraction Summit. I (Jesse) had spent many hours the week before the event, praying for avalanches of abundance to flow to the entire Thrive Community. So when I stepped on stage on Friday morning, even though I had only gotten 4 hours of sleep, I was on … [Continue Reading...]

How to Go From Lost Client to Loyal Client
It was 2003, when I first started my coaching and acupuncture practice...before Jesse and I started Thrive Academy. I'm at a local networking event and I’m feeling pretty anxious about getting some new clients because the amount of money I was making wasn't even covering my bills. I start talking … [Continue Reading...]

3 Secrets for Moving Forward Even When You Don’t Feel Ready...
Do you ever feel like you’re just not ready? To get your first client. To lead your first workshop. To write your book or Home Study Course. To fill a High End Group Program. To have your first $10,000 month... If you don’t feel ready, you’re not alone. Whenever you are considering growing to … [Continue Reading...]

How to Deal with the Emotional Trauma from a Business Failure
Have you ever had a big failure in your business? Maybe you felt embarrassed, scared, unsure of yourself...and it felt so bad you wanted to just crawl under a rock and never come out again? While Jesse and I had our share of big business failures in the early years, I want to share a story of a … [Continue Reading...]

How to Prevent Unnecessary Cancellations
Picture this. It’s 13 years ago and I (Jesse) am attending my first weekend of Coaches Training. I am so excited because I finally found my true calling. I know in every fiber of my being that I was called to be a coach. I felt at home for the first time in my adult life. As I'm getting ready to … [Continue Reading...]
A New Paradigm of “Selling From the Stage”
We just got back from leading an amazing Client Attraction Summit. We were SO inspired by the Coaches and Holistic Practitioners who showed up and the transformations they experienced! And truthfully, underneath everything, Sharla and I were both feeling really anxious prior to the event. We … [Continue Reading...]
The Question that Changes Everything
We’re busy getting ready to lead the Client Attraction Summit in San Francisco tomorrow. We are expecting a room full of amazing people who are flying in from all over the US, Canada and the UK to be here… And truthfully, our energy is pulled toward how to make this event life-changing, powerful … [Continue Reading...]
How to Make the Internal Shifts Necessary to Achieve Your Vision
We hope you've enjoyed this mini-course on how to make sure 2015 is the best year yet. We want to end this series with some serious inspiration. This will be especially powerful for you if you're feeling stuck in your business or your life. Here is a story from my own life on the external … [Continue Reading...]
How to Make the Internal Shifts Necessary to Achieve Your Vision
In our last two blog posts, you discovered our tips for How to Get Clear on Your Vision for Income and Impact and How to Get Clear on the Vehicle You’ll Use to Achieve Your Vision. Once you get clear on the vehicle you’re going to use to achieve your vision, it’s not uncommon for fear and doubt to … [Continue Reading...]
How to Create Your Crystal Clear Vision
Do you ever feel bored with your business or you find yourself struggling to make ends meet? If your answer is Yes, then it’s likely you’re missing one of the most essential keys to attract clients without struggle. Today’s article will help you understand why you’re stuck and how to change … [Continue Reading...]
How to Avoid the 3 Biggest Mistakes Most Coaches and Holistic Practitioners Make When the Sh*t Hits the Fan in Your Business
We are looking forward to spending Halloween with our boys tomorrow. And hope you've got some fun planned for yourself. Even though our kids aren't wearing scary costumes, today's blog post is about how to handle things when you get scared after the sh*t hits the fan in your business. Imagine … [Continue Reading...]