The 3 Ways Clients Say Yes
When most Coaches and Holistic Practitioners think about creating a Marketing Plan, they get really uncomfortable, because they have NO idea where to begin. On today’s video, I reveal the 3 Ways Clients Say Yes to working with you. And when you decide which (or how many) of these ways you’ll get … [Continue Reading...]

What To Say To New Clients When They Ask You What You Charge
If you’re like most coaches and holistic practitioners (and me when I started out!) you feel anxious talking about your rate with potential clients. You may “anticipate…” Trying to guess what they’ll think about your rate while you’re connecting with them, starting to waver. But guess … [Continue Reading...]

Why You Should Never “Close” Another Sale
If the story I’m about to tell you makes you even a little uncomfortable, I invite you to continue reading because eventually it has a happy ending... Imagine you’re at a used car lot and you feel a presence lurking. Yes, you need a car but you’re not really finding “your” car in this lot. … [Continue Reading...]

How to Go From Lost Client to Loyal Client
It was 2003, when I first started my coaching and acupuncture practice...before Jesse and I started Thrive Academy. I'm at a local networking event and I’m feeling pretty anxious about getting some new clients because the amount of money I was making wasn't even covering my bills. I start talking … [Continue Reading...]

How to Prevent Unnecessary Cancellations
Picture this. It’s 13 years ago and I (Jesse) am attending my first weekend of Coaches Training. I am so excited because I finally found my true calling. I know in every fiber of my being that I was called to be a coach. I felt at home for the first time in my adult life. As I'm getting ready to … [Continue Reading...]
Transition into a Heartselling Conversation (without being salesy)
Has this ever happened to you? You’re at a live event and you’re hoping you’ll meet someone who would be a good client. You strike up a conversation and it becomes obvious to you this person might be a good match for the work you do. And you want to gracefully transition from just a social … [Continue Reading...]
Why Clients Cancel (and What to do About It)
Have you ever had a new client cancel right after signing up? We were leading our Client Attraction Mastery Event last weekend and I decided to make this video for you before I left the house. If you want to understand why this happens and what you can do to avoid it happening again, watch this … [Continue Reading...]
How to Position Yourself (If You Don’t Feel Successful Yet)...
About seven years ago, I (Jesse) was at a party and my former life coach approached me and said, “I’ve heard that you and Sharla have become quite successful. Congratulations!” I was speechless. Us? Successful? Really? Is that what people think about us? Why was I so surprised and … [Continue Reading...]
How to Avoid Being Manipulative in Sales
True Story: As I (Jesse) walk to my car, I am approached by a smiling woman. I smile back at her. I had just dropped my boys off at their classrooms. The sun is shining. My boys are happy to be with their friends. I had just set up a day at the beach with some other families from school. … [Continue Reading...]
A New Paradigm of “Selling From the Stage”
We just got back from leading an amazing Client Attraction Summit. We were SO inspired by the Coaches and Holistic Practitioners who showed up and the transformations they experienced! And truthfully, underneath everything, Sharla and I were both feeling really anxious prior to the event. We … [Continue Reading...]
The 3 Ways to Get Clients to Say Yes
When most Coaches and Holistic Practitioners think about creating a Marketing Plan, they get really uncomfortable, because they have NO idea where to begin. On today’s video, I reveal the 3 Ways to Get Clients to Say Yes to working with you. And when you decide which (or how many) of these ways … [Continue Reading...]
The Golden Rule of Heartselling
Over the last week, we've gotten several comments from people who were questioning our integrity AND our math skills. Ouch! It all began with last week's email, where we shared one of the secrets that is responsible for our clients getting such great results. We shared about the one-month game our … [Continue Reading...]