How to Discover Your Niche
When someone first told me I should choose a niche in order to attract more clients, I didn't get it. I wanted to help everyone; and my training set me up so I could help anyone with anything. Choose a niche? I didn't want to for a long time. I resisted the idea and felt frustrated anytime another … [Continue Reading...]
How to Talk About What You Do if You Do Lots of Different Things
Are you a D.L.O.S. (Does Lots of Stuff)? Meaning, are you someone who has several different ways you work with your clients? We often find that folks who have lots of different ways to help their clients have a difficult time figuring out how to talk about what they do. This is why I … [Continue Reading...]

Successful Attorney “Loses Everything” Only To Gain It All! How Mellissa Embraced Her True Calling Bringing Spirituality To Top Executives
Mellissa was a Stanford educated attorney living in Southern California with her husband and baby whom she loved very much. On the outside everything looked good. She had a great law practice and enjoyed the life that millions of people aspire towards. But in 2000, when Mellissa gave birth to … [Continue Reading...]
Do you really need a niche for your coaching business or holistic practice?
So many Coaches, Practitioners, and Entrepreneurs come to us with questions about their niche; many wonder if they really need one to be successful. After working with over 20,000 people, here’s what we’ve discovered… When you don’t have a niche, you end up doing business the hard way. (This … [Continue Reading...]