Every coach and holistic practitioner dreams of getting their phone ringing with people who were referred.
Because referrals come to the Heartselling conversation knowing something about your work and already interested in working with you.
Traditional sales training calls these folks, "pre-qualified." Meaning they have already raised their hand and said, "Yes, I want what you're offering."
These Heartselling conversations are much easier than starting from scratch where you have to figure out if they are a potential client and not just someone you're having a nice conversation with.
In our recent series about the 5 Elements of Heartselling, you discovered some keys to having a heartfelt conversation with potential clients so they practically talk themselves into working with you, if it's a good match.
However, if your phone isn't ringing, you won't have as many potential clients to talk with.
This is why today's video is about one easy way to get your phone to ring: asking for referrals authentically.
When most coaches and holistic practitioners start their business, they only have friends, family, teachers and peers to reach out to.
And they feel uncomfortable asking these people to support them with referrals...maybe because they're concerned about seeming salesy. In many cases, they have invited them to participate in something before and it didn't go as well as they had hoped.
The template in this video makes it easy to reach out to friends and family and learn how to ask for referrals authentically.
Watch the video now and let us know what you think in the comments below.
And if you found this video valuable, share it via email and Facebook with other coaches and holistic practitioners who also want to get more referrals.