A lot of Coaches and Holistic Practitioners have asked us, “How do I create a teleseminar that will get me clients?”
This is a great question, because teleseminars can work wonders to fill your practice, programs and home study courses with amazing clients!
Over the next few blog posts, you’ll get a series of articles that will break this down into simple, how-to steps you can use to start getting clients from your teleseminars immediately.
The first key is to pick the right topic. If you don’t choose the topic right, you can spend lots of time working on your teleseminar and get only a smattering of participants. And if you don’t have enough people signing up for your teleseminar, you certainly won’t get many clients from it.
You’ve got to pick a topic that will grab their attention immediately and make them think, “That’s for me!”
The problem is that most coaches and holistic practitioners get so focused on the process of what they offer that they forget that they need to get inside the mind of their clients.
To do this, you’ve got to forget about the process and just meet them exactly where they are at. (Don’t worry, you’ll bring in the process later, but this isn’t where you want to start.)
So, how do you pick the right topic?
The way to pick the most engaging topic is to focus on solving a specific and urgent problem that your people have.
The 3 major umbrellas that these problems fall under are:
- Money
- Relationship, and
- Health
You want to think about a VERY specific problem that they are thinking about almost constantly. This problem has them feeling frustrated, sad, upset, resigned and maybe even outright angry (or all of the above) that they haven’t figured out the solution yet.
The first step is to choose one of the 3 major umbrellas listed above. And then start interviewing the people you would most want to support in this area.
They will tell you exactly what is keeping them up at night. To you, this will just occur as a symptom of a deeper, underlying problem they have. But to them, it’s driving them crazy.
Let’s say, for example, that you’re a health coach who helps balance women’s hormones. Most health coaches would make the mistake of making their teleseminar about balancing hormones.

Jesse and Sharla Leading a Recent Client Attraction Summit in LA
But the problem is that even though women who need their hormones balanced might know they’ve got hormone problems, they are most concerned about specific symptoms like night sweats, belly fat, brain fog, exhaustion, insomnia, etc.
If you chose just one of these symptoms as a topic, like how to eliminate night sweats, you’ll find that you’ll reach a higher percentage of your ideal clients who will sign up for your teleseminar because you’re promising to help them solve a problem that has been driving them crazy!
Let’s look at another example. Suppose you’re a business coach and you’re working to get clients by leading with “Uplevel your business,” or “Take it to the next level.” Maybe this is what they need and will get from working with you.
But you’ll get many more people to sign up for your teleseminar if you focus on an urgent and specific problem like, “How to get more people to open your emails” or “How to stop the up and down cash flow cycle.”
By choosing a topic that is very specific and urgent, you can give your people the information they need to alleviate the anxiety they feel. This is what has people sign up for your teleseminars.
In our next article, you’ll discover how to simultaneously GIVE VALUE and have your participants set up to say YES to continuing to work with you, if it’s a good match.