Twelve years ago, I found my calling to be a Professional Coach. It was like coming home.
I felt like my whole life was secretly designed to make me a world-class coach.
The struggles with food, with alcohol, with my body…
They led me to travel the country by Greyhound Bus, living in eleven different intentional communities.
I tried every healing modality I could get my hands on.
My commitment for healing was SO strong, I was able to dig my way out of the madness without medication or drugs.
Breakthrough1By the time I found coaching, I had healed most of my major challenges and I was HUNGRY to help other people heal theirs.
I tried for almost 2 years. I didn't get One. Single. Paying. Client.
I just couldn’t get anyone to say yes to paying me.
I did lots of free coaching. And I worked all kinds of odd jobs to pay the bills.
Until one day I just couldn’t take it anymore.
I buried my dream of serving thousands of people and got a full-time J-O-B.
Finally, I had security… a nice paycheck every 2 weeks.
It was AWESOME... for the first 3 days.
But with each day that crept by, I felt an insatiable emptiness grow in the pit of my belly.
I had to fill this void with something, right?
Well, luckily, my co-workers always stocked up on sugary treats.
The temptation of those delectable cookies called out to me every minute I was at work, until I succumbed and let them fill me up.
Aaahhh… the sweet feeling of sugar, rushing through my veins.
Minutes later, I felt awful so I went back for another sugar hit.
By the time 5pm came along, I hardly had the energy to drive home.

Jesse and Sharla the year
we went from 0-$175,000
One morning (after eleven LONG months), I asked myself a question:
"Could I live with myself if I was doing this 5 years from now?"
"HELL NO!!!" was the answer.
I wanted to be married with kids, having impacted thousands of people.
"How about one year from now?"
"Absolutely NOT!!!!!!"
That’s when I knew I had to give my dream another chance.
The moment I re-committed to my business, chocolate chip cookies lost their power over me.
I was exhilarated. And I knew I was going to succeed this time because I had watched Sharla get business coaching and fill her schedule with clients.
I KNEW how she did it, and I KNEW I could do it too.
So, I used my life savings to invest in some expensive business trainings and in less than one month I had enough clients to quit my J-O-B.
Then Sharla and I joined forces and in our first year together we made $175,000.

Jesse and Sharla during one of our recent live events
We’ve gone on to teach over 50,000 Coaches and Holistic Practitioners our signature “Heartselling™” system.
But what we’re most proud of is that our clients have earned over $100 Million Dollars collectively (which means that LOTS of their clients are getting the healing and empowerment they need).
And it all came from asking myself this question:
"Could I live with myself if I was doing this 5 years from now?"
Now it’s your turn…
Could you live with yourself if your life didn’t change much in the next 5 years?
If your answer is “No” or “HELL NO,” then I encourage you to make a bold decision to make 2017 your breakthrough year…
So, that when you look back at your life 5 years from now, you’ll see this year as the year that changed everything.
Are you with us? If so, leave a comment and tell us what this year is about for you.