Let Go Of A Client Who Drains You?
Yesterday, one of our Thrive Members posted in our private Facebook group about her decision to let go of a client who drained her. She wasn’t sure if she did the right thing. In my past, I have drained myself countless times in exchange for money (and it nearly killed me) so, I passionately … [Continue Reading...]

Providing Rock Star Service For Your Clients
We’re busy preparing for our biggest Client Attraction Summit ever! Even though we’ve led this event more than 70 times, we keep asking ourselves, “How can we make it an even better experience for our participants?” When you create an experience for your clients that is … [Continue Reading...]

23k in 30 days as an energy healer (Jacqui’s story)
Jacqui was a struggling Energy Healer, wanting to help more people and make more money but not knowing how... She studied and practiced healing techniques for 10 years, had a ton of certifications, and the clients who hired her experienced deep, life-changing transformation. With all of Jacqui’s … [Continue Reading...]