The 3 Ways Clients Say Yes
When most Coaches and Holistic Practitioners think about creating a Marketing Plan, they get really uncomfortable, because they have NO idea where to begin. On today’s video, I reveal the 3 Ways Clients Say Yes to working with you. And when you decide which (or how many) of these ways you’ll get … [Continue Reading...]

YIKES! My Pants Split Open on Stage
A couple of years ago, we led our Client Attraction Summit. I (Jesse) had spent many hours the week before the event, praying for avalanches of abundance to flow to the entire Thrive Community. So when I stepped on stage on Friday morning, even though I had only gotten 4 hours of sleep, I was on … [Continue Reading...]

How to Overcome Self-Doubt and Make Great Decisions
Do you sometimes doubt yourself when making decisions? If you do, then this blog post has the power to change your life. In this article, you’re going to discover the mindset and strategies that support me to make decisions I feel great about….decisions that make me a better man, father, … [Continue Reading...]

Claim Your Niche Today
It happens to most coaches and holistic practitioners when they first learn they need a niche. They have lots of reasons they don’t want to choose one... Or they understand that it’s important to choose a niche, but have no idea where to start. If you think you’re still in a “Niche Crisis,” then … [Continue Reading...]

Confidence Goes Both Ways
At our recent Client Attraction Summit, I was once again inspired by the courage of many of the attendees who show up despite the fact that they don’t feel like they have “made it” yet in their business. Many of them are brand new to business and feel like they are the only ones who don’t have the … [Continue Reading...]

What To Do When Everyone Else Seems More Successful than You
Recently, one of our Thrive Members courageously posted in our private Facebook group that she was both inspired and saddened by the financial successes that some of our members had just posted about. She wrote: “Why not me? What’s wrong with me?” Have you ever seen other people’s financial … [Continue Reading...]
When Your First Group Program Doesn’t Fly (Should You Cancel It)?
Yesterday, in our private Facebook Group, one of our Thrivers posted about how he was frustrated that he was only able to get 3 people to attend his first group program and felt drained and disappointed. He mentioned that maybe he priced it too low ($500) and perhaps people didn’t value it. Here … [Continue Reading...]
A New Paradigm of “Selling From the Stage”
We just got back from leading an amazing Client Attraction Summit. We were SO inspired by the Coaches and Holistic Practitioners who showed up and the transformations they experienced! And truthfully, underneath everything, Sharla and I were both feeling really anxious prior to the event. We … [Continue Reading...]
NEVER do this on stage
If you read our recent email with the subject, “For workshop leaders only…” then you know about how Callan Rush used to lead our Client Attraction Summit years ago. She started training with Jesse in March of 2007. You can imagine how overwhelming it must have been for Callan to walk in and have … [Continue Reading...]
Teleseminars that Get You Clients-Part III
In our last blog post, you discovered the three keys to simultaneously GIVE VALUE and have your participants set up to say YES to continuing to work with you, if it’s a good match. They are: Use the biggest building blocks of your offer as the key points in your teleseminar. Provide are … [Continue Reading...]
Teleseminars that Get You Clients-Part II
In our last blog post, you discovered how to pick a topic for your teleseminar that immediately grabs their attention and has them think, "That's for me!" Because if you don't have an engaging topic, they won't even register for your teleseminar. Now that you've got an engaging topic, you want to … [Continue Reading...]
Teleseminars That Get You Clients-Part I
A lot of Coaches and Holistic Practitioners have asked us, “How do I create a teleseminar that will get me clients?” This is a great question, because teleseminars can work wonders to fill your practice, programs and home study courses with amazing clients! Over the next few blog … [Continue Reading...]