Sharla and I first met at a workshop (can you believe it?) on November 15, 2001. It was NOT love at first sight. I thought she was cute, but would only make a really great friend. She thought I was cute also, but a little too young (and too nice) for her taste. 🙂

Jesse and Sharla on their 12-year anniversary
Somehow, the workshop started to feel more like a first date. (Looking back, we think the Universe set this one up.)
Our first kiss was on January 5, 2002. Don't ask me why I still remember the date, because we dated for about a week after that. And then I broke up with her. But then, in Sharla's words, "You called me 10 times a day and wouldn't stay off my couch."
So we got back together again. And then broke up again. We were on again and off again for another 6 weeks when she finally got fed up with my antics and she said, "You need to sh*t or get off the pot!"
That night we were sitting in Yab Yum (for all of you Tantra people) and I sprung the "C word" on her.
I said, "I commit to you." (At least that's what Sharla remembers me saying.)
I don't remember anything about that night (and I was sober, I swear)... I must have subconsciously blocked it out, because in my world the "C" word meant being stuck, trapped and regretful for the rest of my life.
I moved into Sharla's small apartment a week later. And for the next year, I literally did not unpack. That's how not committed I was. It would have taken me less than an hour to pack up my Red Jeep Cherokee with all my stuff and head off to the land of freedom.
It took me a year to realized the "freedom game" I was playing was killing us. We argued more than we kissed and underneath every argument was, "Are we in this together or not?"
So we went on a retreat together and decided that we were either going to dive deeper together or break up. At the end of the retreat, I asked Sharla to marry me...for just one year. You might laugh; but this was a HUGE step for me! I really thought I'd regret it.
But instead a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. Suddenly, I could dedicate my whole being to loving her (instead of holding out for another woman). It was like I saw her for the first time (and I really liked what I saw).
I thought I was cured of my commitment phobia... but it took me another 3 years until I finally had the courage to commit to her for life.
We had hiked far back into the South Fork of the Yuba River. We sat in Yab Yum again and after I proposed we cried together and laughed together, as we talked about the kids we would have and the life we would live together. I felt freer than I had felt since I was a little boy.
No one was more surprised than I was that the freedom I sought by avoiding the "C" word was the very freedom I found when I embraced it, by proposing to Sharla.
It's this same level of commitment that had us go from 0-$175,000 in our first year working together. And it's this level of commitment that has had us earn over $10 million dollars.
It's this level of commitment we see in our Thrive Academy Members who are making $10,000+ each month. And it's this level of commitment we see in our many friends who consistently earn 6-, 7- and 8-Figures each year.
Even though most people avoid it, Commitment is the secret that will fuel your success.
At the Client Attraction Summit, we do a process where you let go of the comfort-seeking part of you that would rather not commit to your business.
Instead, you'll commit to:
a) NOT do your business.
b) Kick the back door shut and commit to your business for 1 year.
c) Kick the back door shut and commit to your business for the rest of your life.
I've asked myself why so many people cry during this exercise...
What I've realized is that most people NEVER fully commit to their business.
They're in their business as a fair-weather friend. As long as it's comfortable, convenient and inspiring they do their business. But the moment it gets challenging (which it always does) they turn to Plan B (aka Plan "Back Door)," which usually involves a draining J-O-B (with no plan as to how to get your business thriving again).
This is the ordinary approach to being an entrepreneur. And it's the reason so many Coaches and Holistic Practitioners struggle. As I shared in last week's Blog Post, I know what it's like to work a draining job with no plan to fulfill my dream.
The reason I believe so many people cry during the Commitment Exercise at the Summit is the same reason I believe people cry during weddings. Because commitment is beautiful, inspiring, and an act of courage.
All of our members who are making more than $10,000 per month have committed deeply to themselves.They've kicked the back door shut and have chosen to honor their desire to contribute over any circumstance that would stop them from fulfilling their destiny.
Are you ready to kick YOUR back door shut and make this year the best year of your life?
If so, leave a comment below. We'd love to hear from you.