Let Go Of A Client Who Drains You?
Yesterday, one of our Thrive Members posted in our private Facebook group about her decision to let go of a client who drained her. She wasn’t sure if she did the right thing. In my past, I have drained myself countless times in exchange for money (and it nearly killed me) so, I passionately … [Continue Reading...]

Why You Should Never “Close” Another Sale
If the story I’m about to tell you makes you even a little uncomfortable, I invite you to continue reading because eventually it has a happy ending... Imagine you’re at a used car lot and you feel a presence lurking. Yes, you need a car but you’re not really finding “your” car in this lot. … [Continue Reading...]

How to Go From Lost Client to Loyal Client
It was 2003, when I first started my coaching and acupuncture practice...before Jesse and I started Thrive Academy. I'm at a local networking event and I’m feeling pretty anxious about getting some new clients because the amount of money I was making wasn't even covering my bills. I start talking … [Continue Reading...]

Providing Rock Star Service For Your Clients
We’re busy preparing for our biggest Client Attraction Summit ever! Even though we’ve led this event more than 70 times, we keep asking ourselves, “How can we make it an even better experience for our participants?” When you create an experience for your clients that is … [Continue Reading...]

“If You’re A Healer, You’re Not Supposed To Sell”: A Case Study with Tomasa Macapinlac
Are you a healer who believes you’re not supposed to sell? Maybe you’ve been working at it for a while and you feel like you’ve hit a ceiling or a block around how big you can grow, how many clients you can get, or how much money you can earn. Sometimes we are just too close to our own story … [Continue Reading...]

How to Raise Your Rates (And Feel Good About It)
Have you ever wanted to raise your rates, but the voices of fear keep you from actually doing it? These internal voices say things like: Who are you to think you can charge more? Is it even spiritual to accept money at all? If you were really spiritual you would do this work for free! No … [Continue Reading...]

How to Get Great Testimonials
Way back when we were planning for our wedding, we checked out an endless amount of photographers, videographers, florists, caterers, and every other possible type of vendor associated with “The Big Day”. What really helped me (Sharla) make decisions and often took some vendors out of the running, … [Continue Reading...]

When to put your business on hold?
One of our Thrive Community members has a best friend who is dying and she posted about her grief in our private Thrive Membership Facebook group. It was a beautiful, heartfelt post that touched me (Jesse) deeply. Her therapist recommended that she take a break from her business and allow … [Continue Reading...]

Is Your Niche Too Narrow? A Case Study with Allison Rapp
Many years ago, Allison Rapp signed up for a VIP Half-Day with us. It was one of the first VIP Days we had ever done and we were feeling anxious about whether we could deliver enough to and help her reach her goal of making $10,000 each month. One of our biggest concerns in being able to show her … [Continue Reading...]

How to Overcome Self-Doubt and Make Great Decisions
Do you sometimes doubt yourself when making decisions? If you do, then this blog post has the power to change your life. In this article, you’re going to discover the mindset and strategies that support me to make decisions I feel great about….decisions that make me a better man, father, … [Continue Reading...]

Claim Your Niche Today
It happens to most coaches and holistic practitioners when they first learn they need a niche. They have lots of reasons they don’t want to choose one... Or they understand that it’s important to choose a niche, but have no idea where to start. If you think you’re still in a “Niche Crisis,” then … [Continue Reading...]

Confidence Goes Both Ways
At our recent Client Attraction Summit, I was once again inspired by the courage of many of the attendees who show up despite the fact that they don’t feel like they have “made it” yet in their business. Many of them are brand new to business and feel like they are the only ones who don’t have the … [Continue Reading...]